Falling Into The Sky Series uses clear glass threads to trace the path of raindrops as they expand three dimensionally across a hazy post-storm puddle. The drops both dissipate skyward and emerge outward, toward the viewer. The ripples project or recede, depending upon the viewer’s perspective.
kiln-formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Andrea Starr
kiln-formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Andrea Starr
kiln-formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit artist
kiln-formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Kim Fetrow
glass, glass threads, kiln-fired enamel film
glass, glass thread, kiln-fired enamel film
kiln- formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit artist
kiln-formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit artist
kiln-formed glass, glass thread and fusible enamel film
photo credit Kim Fetrow
glass, glass thread and kiln fired enamel film
glass, glass thread and kiln fired enamel film
glass, glass thread and kiln fired enamel film
kiln-formed glass, glass thread, kiln-fired enamel film
photo credit Daniel Fox
photo credit Daniel Fox
The Shadow Series composed of triptychs made from clear glass threads which have been kiln-fired onto a white glass base. These nearly invisible upright glass threads cast shadows which move with the changing light throughout the day. The triptych Traces, follows the path of a single drop of rain as it expands over time whilst the triptych Serendipity follows the intersection, merging, and expansion of the two independent droplets, as they move forward along a path.
kiln-formed glass and glass threads
photo credit Daniel Fox
kiln-formed glass and glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
photo credit Daniel Fox
kiln-formed glass and glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit Andrea Starr
kiln-formed glass
photo credit Andrea Starr
kiln-formed glass
photo credit Andrea Starr
Kiln-formed glass
photo credit Andrea Starr
Kiln-formed glass
Arrow of Time can be seen as part of the group exhibition Innovators in Glass, curated by Mary Childs and on view at the Sandwich Glass Museum, Sandwich, MA on July 1 through October 30, 2022
glass, glass threads and kiln-fired enamel film
photo credit Daniel Fox
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit Kim Fetrow
photo credit Kim Fetrow
On, Daughters was inspired a poem from Gibran Kahlil. The image was composed by kiln-firing small pieces of transparent glass threads onto an enameled surface of glass.
glass, glass thread and kiln-fired enamel film
private collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass, glass thread and kiln-fired enamel film
private collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass, glass thread and kiln-fired enamel film
private collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
SUP is a musing on equity through the lens of a shared meal, in which we are offered a seat at the table but find it impossible to eat. Kiln-formed glass bowls are filled with glass spikes and their corresponding silver spoons, filled with holes. SUP began as a nod to Meret Oppenheim’s, fur-lined teacup, Object.
kiln-formed glass bowl with kiln-fired glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass bowl with kiln-fired glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Daniel Fox
kiln-formed glass bowl with glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Kim Fetrow
kiln-formed glass bowl with glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Kim Fetrow
kiln-formed glass bowl with glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Kim Fetrow
kiln-formed glass bowl with glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Kim Fetrow
kiln-formed glass bowl with glass threads, found silver spoon
photo credit Kim Fetrow
Milky Way is thematically based on the word trace, originally meaning, “ to follow a path or course”. Composed of a constellation of targets, Milky Way offers beacons by which to navigate along unseen paths. The concentric rings of the targets are composed of gold-tipped glass threads floating above a blue-black glass background; an allusion to the night sky offering uncertain and distant pathways into the unknown.
glass, glass threads and gold leaf
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass, glass thread and gold leaf
photo credit Daniel Fox
kiln-formed glass, glass threads and gold-leaf
Fever Dream is a three dimensional EEG tracing of a ‘vision’
kiln-formed glass and glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
kiln-formed glass and glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
I am an artist and an emergency room physician and I often view the world through the lens of a tattered, bloody Band-Aid. I understand that often the most important aspects of life are within us, unnoticed. For many different reasons, this most precious ‘life blood’ occasionally seeps out, leaving a mark.
glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread
private collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread and gold leaf
artist collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread and gold leaf
private collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread and gold leaf
glass thread
artist collection
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass and gold-leaf
private collection
glass thread and gold leaf
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass thread and gold leaf
photo credit Daniel Fox
glass, glass thread, kiln-fired enamel film
private collection
private collection
glass, glass thread, kiln-fired enamel film
private collection
cast glass and silver
kiln-formed glass, glass thread
artist collection
kiln-formed glass, glass thread
artist collection
kiln-formed glass, glass thread
artist collection
kiln-formed glass, glass thread
artist collection
kiln-formed glass, glass thread
private collection
detail view
kiln-formed glass, glass thread
artist collection
detail view
scale view
kiln-formed glass
artist collection